The Most Effective Food Poisoning Treatment

Food poisoning treatment

The Most Effective Food Poisoning Treatment

Food poisoning can happen without warning, and it will make people feel uncomfortable and even distressed. The causes of food poisoning include contaminated food, mishandling, and unclean conditions. The signs of food poisoning can vary from light discomfort to severe illness. But, with the right knowledge on how to treat food poisoning, you can be able to reduce the symptoms and make the recovery process faster. There are different remedies for getting rid of food poisoning so that you can get back to being healthy and strong.

Understanding food poisoning

Food poisoning is the result of consuming food or drinks which are contaminated with bacteria, viruses, parasites, or toxins. The usual culprits are raw or undercooked meat, poultry, seafood, unpasteurized dairy products, and fruits and vegetables that were washed insufficiently. The symptoms usually appear within a few hours or days of ingesting the contaminated food and involve nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever, and fatigue.

Immediate actions

When you are experiencing symptoms of food poisoning, you should take the right measures to relieve the discomfort and to prevent dehydration.

  1. Hydration: Consume as much clear fluids as possible, including water, electrolyte solutions and herbal teas to avoid dehydration which is caused by vomiting and diarrhea.
  2. Rest: Give your body time to heal by avoiding strenuous activities and getting enough sleep.
  3. Avoid solid foods: For sometime, do not eat solid foods until vomiting and diarrhea are gone so that your stomach and intestines are not further irritated.
  4. Oral rehydration solution: Consider purchasing ORS packets that are sold at pharmacies and serve the purpose of replenishing the lost fluids and electrolytes.

Natural remedies

Some of the natural remedies may be helpful in reducing the symptoms of food poisoning and in the recovery process as well. Although these remedies may not be as effective as the medical treatment, they can be helpful to relieve the pain. Here are some effective natural remedies.

  1. Ginger: Ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-nausea properties which can be very useful in calming a stomach upset. Sipping on ginger tea or chewing a small piece of fresh ginger will help in the reduction of nausea and vomiting.
  2. Peppermint: Mint is a calming agent for the digestive system and can get rid of abdominal cramps and discomfort. Take a cup of peppermint tea or chew some peppermint candies if you want to get relief.
  3. Apple cider vinegar: Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid which helps prevent the growth of bad bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract. Combine one tablespoonful of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and sip it before meals to promote digestion.
  4. Lemon water: Lemon water acts as a detoxifying agent for the digestive system as well as a source of fluids and electrolytes that are lost due to excessive sweating. Squeeze fresh lemon juice into a cup of warm water and drink it regularly.
  5. Activated charcoal: Activated charcoal can bind up toxins and bacteria found in the digestive tract, therefore, easing the symptoms of food poisoning. Consume activated charcoal supplements as directed according to the label or eat foods rich in activated charcoal, such as charcoal-infused lemonade or ice cream.

Medical treatment

When the case of food poisoning is severe or symptoms persist for more than a day, you will have to seek out medical attention immediately. Doctors can locate the reason for food poisoning and consequently give the correct medical treatment which is appropriate. Depending on the severity of symptoms, medical treatment for food poisoning may include:

  1. Antimicrobial medications: Such antimicrobials as antibiotics or the antiparasitic medications are used to address bacterial or parasitic infections which are the cause of food poisoning.
  2. Antiemetic drugs: Antiemetics will normally stop nausea and vomiting that are common post operation. This allows the body to keep fluids and medications which are important for faster recovery.
  3. Intravenous fluids: In situations where there is a severe dehydration or where osmophilia is not possible, intravenous fluid therapy will be given to restore hydration and electrolyte balance.
  4. Hospitalization: In severe food poisoning phenomena, hospitalization may be the key to vital signs monitoring and supportive care and when needed in vulnerable groups, i. e. children, elderly and persons with low immunity.

Prevention tips

The best way is always to avoid being afflicted with food poisoning rather than treating it after the fact. By ensuring that you are applying the correct food safety guidelines, you will, thus, lead to a reduction of foodborne illnesses. Here are some tips for preventing food poisoning:

  1. Wash hands: Properly wash your hands when touching food, especially raw meats, poultry, seafood, and eggs. This is more true when a person is handling these foods.
  2. Cook thoroughly: Cook foods to the safe internal temperature of 74 Fahrenheit to only kill a harmful bacteria. Make a habit of checking your food with a thermometer for proper cooking.
  3. Store properly: Tender plant foods should be refrigerated immediately after shopping to preserve the food. Keep them at the right cold temperature throughout their storage lives to avoid bacterial growth. Thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator or in a microwave-friendly devise. Do not do it on the countertop.
  4. Avoid cross-contamination: Make certain that raw meats are not added to ready-to-eat meals to keep away from contamination. Use different cutting boards, utensil implements and plates, respectively, for raw and cooked foods.
  5. Practice safe food handling: Keep perishables at normal room temperature for limited times, and do not hesitate to remove and throw away any food that is doubtful looking or smelling.


Being stricken by food poisoning could possibly interrupt your daily schedule and lead to uncomfortable sensations that you may not have experienced before. However, how you manage the aftermath will be very essential in determining the time it will take to heal completely. Either way, fluid intake, resting, and recovery are essential elements for your body to heal. Food poisoning can be prevented effectively by simply following the food safety rules and carrying out precautions. Just in case, make sure to consult a doctor the minute you realize that things are starting to get worse.  They will assist you and make sure that you recover faster.

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